Formalization requirement
The following documents are to be submitted to the Editorial Board:
- Scanned review by the specialist in this field of science, signed and sealed, including reviewer’s degree indication (download);
- Scanned extract from the department meeting report, signed by the Head of the Department (download);
- Participant registration form (download);
- An article, prepared in according to the rules of article formalization in electronic form;
- Scanned receipt confirming the payment of the article's publication.
Formalization requirements:
- A clear statement of the purpose and justification of the novelty of the research;
- Knowledge of literature, including the latest, on the subject of studies;
- All the data should have links to initial sources, which are to be listed in the bibliography; pictures and tables are to be numbered and titled; footnotes are not to be listed in the article;
- Authors are responsible for the use of the data, not intended for open publication, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
- Material submitted for publication must be original, not published previously in other publications, thematically appropriate for the journal.
The article must contain the following obligatory elements:
1. Title of the article in Russian and English.
2. Review (3-5 sentences) in Russian and English.
3. Keywords (3–6 words/word combinations) in Russian and English.
4. Bibliography in the end of the article. Bibliography is to be made in alphabetical order. Serial number of link is enclosed in square brackets. The bibliography is placed at the end of the article and executed without the indentation in accordance with National State Standard GOST R 7.0.5-2008.
5. Number of references in the bibliography on the own sources should not exceed three.
6. Information about all the authors — surname, name, patronymic (in full), academic degree, academic rank, full name of the scientific or educational institution and its subdivisions, as well as the author’s email address.
7. Specialty code, which corresponds to the article, according to the HAC (VAK) nomenclature (view).
8. Mathematical symbols in formulas and equations, subscripts and superscripts in the text and figures are typed in Times New Roman 12 pt. Each equation (if the equation takes several lines, each line separately) is typed in the same as the text editor or made in the form that does not contain blank fields of separate inserts with center alignment.
9. Picture captions are to be as follows: the word "Pic." («Рис.»), a space, the picture number digits, a dash, a space, the name with a capital letter (no dot at the end of the sentence).
10. The tables are to be presented in the following form: the word "Table" («Таблица») in the upper left corner without indentation, a space, table number digits (if more than one), a dash, a space, the name with a capital letter. Cell content should be placed in the center. Cell and table size should be minimized.
11. The names of authors are to be placed strictly in alphabetical order.
Materials are to be sent to the Editorial Board via email:
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Phone: +7 (843) 216-30-35.
Royalties for publication are not provided.
Text format requirements:
- Microsoft Word text editor;
- font Times New Roman 14 pt;
- one-and-a-half line spacing;
- margins: left — 3 cm.; the rest — 2 cm.;
- manuscript length of at least 6 and no more than 15 sheets.
The file should be titled as follows: the first symbols are the code of specialty on which you want to publish an article, other symbols — name in Latin (ex: 587ivanov.doc).
The code, which corresponds to the article, can be viewed here.
Download an example of the article formalization.